We understand that some EverWalkers on Facebook are wondering what the difference between this app and the Facebook Group page is. . . Here's a little graphic that will help explain it. We understand that for some people, the one-stop community of Facebook is perfect. But we're also thrilled that those of you who don't do Facebook can find connection here! The app has allowed us create groups for walkers interested in connecting around special interests such as Nature, Books, Travel, Gear, FItness, Injuries, Photography and more! The app especially offers more ease in finding walking groups around the world as well as regular connection with EverWalk founders Diana Nyad and Bonnie Stoll. We're encouraging people to connect here and there -- because the content will always be different. But if you have friends who want to know what this is all about, please encourage them to check the app out. Each week we are growing the content available here -- to make EverWalk not just The Word in Walking but also The App for Walking!!!

Posted by Ever.Walk at 2021-04-08 20:45:13 UTC