I am thrilled to announce that my local walking group, the Culver City EverWalk Walking Club (CCEWWC) will be re-starting its monthly walks on Saturday, May 1, with a one hour walk from 3-4 PM! If you’d like to join this walk, or be notified of future walks with this group, please follow the instructions below. And if you have no idea where Culver City, CA, is, look at the second photo on this post. It’s convenient to West Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Ladera Heights, Inglewood, and LAX 😏 Okay, here’s how to join: 1. Click the 3-bar icon on the bottom right of your phone screen 2. From the list, click CLUBS & GROUPS 3. Scroll down until you see the square icon that says AMBASSADOR-LED WALKING GROUPS and click on it 4. Scroll down until you see the square icon for the CCEWWC (it says “Culver City CA Walks” in green font below the square) 5. After that, I have literally no idea what will happen, as I am currently the only member of this group, LOL! So please join, and we’ll see what happens! 😘

Posted by Laura Petersen at 2021-04-10 14:56:49 UTC