Great discussion today. Wanted to share my thoughts on the next book selection. The last great walk is about Weston whom I have read a lot about. Could be a good read, especially about the history of walking, pedistrianism. Walking on Ice looks really interesting. He did this walk in 1974 so curious as to why he walked, instead of flying or driving. Walked from Munich to Paris. Sounds good. Thirst is about completing the PCT in record time - another of the authors accomplishments. Reviews online were not that good. The Wild Silence is the follow up book after the Salt Path. Would be interesting to learn more about their life, health. Several sound good. I will read what ever "wins" but I can't be on the call June 26th. Darn. That will be our first face to face meeting with our Board of Directors ( all emergency physicians) in 16 months. Can't wait to see them all f2f and not on zoom - we are all fully vaccinated.

Posted by Deleted (72088bce) at 2021-05-01 23:08:47 UTC