Every day, new walkers join this EverWalk Nation app. . .and our goal is to make this app work for YOU! So we will constantly be updating and improving it based both on our suggestions and things that we believe can make this community more connected and cohesive! All month we will be posting tips and suggestions as well as asking for feedback. Here's one of today's tips -- about #hashtags. Hashtags are the best way to search for anything on this platform. You just go to the search bar and look for a hashtag. BUT it will only work if people use them. For instance, if you want to find other walkers in a particular area, if they are using a hashtag, you can find them. So please consider CREATING AN AREA HASHTAG and using it on all your posts. Think of a hashtag as a signpost directing people back to your or your area or your interest. So if you are in Montana, use #montana or #montanawalks. If you are planning a trip to Mozambique, use #mozambique or #mozambiquewalks. Make up a hashtag and be consistent about using it. It will really help us all stay connected by location! Thanks so much for helping grow this into the most supportive walking community in the world. #tips #apptutorial #hashtags #everwalknation

Posted by Ever.Walk at 2021-05-05 16:46:04 UTC