WANNA PLAY THIS WEEKEND!?! THEN JOIN OUR SPRING ONWARD CHALLENGE! Here are the rules: 1. POST A PIC ON THIS CHAT of you on a walk. . .or your dog on a walk. . .or of anything or anyone you see on a walk. . .that makes you feel, well. . .SPRING ONWARD!! (Just celebrate SPRING in your post.) 2. Then HASHTAG your post: #springonward THAT'S IT! TWO RULES. DO BOTH BY SUNDAY 3/14 BY MIDNIGHT! We will draw THREE WINNERS on Monday, March 15. You can choose one of these limited-edition designs in whatever style t-shirt you want! SPRING ONWARD THIS WEEKEND AND PLAY!!!

Posted by Ever.Walk at 2021-03-12 16:51:09 UTC