We know how much you EverWalkers LOVE a competition. So here's a new one for you. . .As you scroll through your activity feed, you will sometimes see a notification to INVITE ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE THIS COMMUNITY! Well, this could be your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Because each time you invite someone, it generates a unique code . . . and we're going to give THREE PRIZES: 1) To the person who gets the most visits from their invitations. 2) To the person who gets the most joiners. 3) To a random person just for sending out invites. The contest goes til the end of March. What kinds of prizes will I win, you ask? Well, cool EverWalk prizes of course. . .SO INVITE FRIENDS TO JOIN -- AND WIN WIN WIN!!! #invitecontest #contest

Posted by Ever.Walk at 2021-03-18 15:21:17 UTC